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Where controversial kitchen products should be kept
Author: Nobilia

When it comes to deciding where to store food, the debates have gone on for as long as we all can remember. Arguments with family members or partners as we realise, they keep something in the wrong place. It’s a key factor in life and a huge decision, but where should certain food items really be kept?

Google Search data shows that in the past month there have been over 5,000 searches asking if eggs should be kept in the fridge. There are also over 2,000 searches by Brits trying to find out if ketchup and mayonnaise should also be kept in a cool place once opened.

We decided to delve in further, and help decide once and for all where products should really be kept!

Lots of products in question are often found on dry shelves of a supermarket so not in a fridge, leaving many thinking this is straightforward, however this is not the case. Inside a supermarket the temperature is kept cool, as compared to someone’s home which is a lot warmer.


When asked 60% of Brits believe eggs should belong in the fridge. With fridge space always a challenge, 40% of homeowners take the ultimate decision to remove the eggs from their dedicated egg holders to free up room for more important items. Experts have stated, eggs should indeed be kept in the fridge, but on the middle shelf, and not in fact in the refrigerator door, recommending they are kept in a cool temperature below 20 degrees.

A study by the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture subjected 2,000 eggs to a series of tests to assess their quality, storing them at various temperatures for up to four weeks. The study revealed eggs deteriorated quicker at temperatures above 7.2 degrees, meaning people who store their eggs in cupboards could be compromising themselves.

Tomato ketchup

The first brand of tomato ketchup is believed to date back to 1812! This historic fact is the key reason as to why ketchup should be kept in the cupboard. 88% of Brits stated they in fact keep the tomato ketchup in the fridge, as they prefer it to be colder rather than warmer.

The reason tomato ketchup does not need to be in the fridge, is due to the tomatoes inside the ketchup are acidic, coupled with salt and sugar content, meaning it is microbiologically safe to keep the sauce at room temperature. Normal tomatoes should be kept in cupboards too as it helps with ripeness.


The data revealed a tie break, when stating where their nations favourite condiment* goes, 50% of homeowners said the fridge and the other half lean to the cupboard. 2,100 searches on Google asked if mayonnaise could be kept in the cupboard over the past month.

Knowing what the ingredients are inside, many Brits debate mull over this, revealing the creamy egg-rich condiment that contains vinegar implies it wouldn’t need to go in the fridge, but it is recommended it is best kept refrigerated after a bottle has been opened to limit the growth of bacteria.

Note: If left out for too long in hot temperatures, then mayonnaise is likely to go off well before its sell by date.


Experts have said this product that can be left in the fridge or out after 70% believe it should be left out the fridge. Google search data shows that 600 searches have asked if honey should be stored in the fridge over the last 30 days.

Honey naturally contains the preservative hydrogen peroxide. Combining that with the high sugar content forcing water out by osmosis, honey provides an unwelcoming environment for bacteria so is best placed to be safely stored in cupboards at room temperature. The aroma and flavour of honey gets weaker the longer it is left sitting on a shelf.


The world’s most popular fruit, bananas, always a talking point, from being to green, to being to brown, many are either lovers or haters of this popular fruit. 61% of homeowners in fact choose to keep their bananas in the fridge. There were 1,400 searches asking if bananas can be kept in the fridge in August. Experts have explained to aid ripening, bananas can be kept in a fruit bowl at room temperature. If they are stored next to other fruit such as tomatoes, then they will ripen quicker.

Once ripe, they can be stored in the fridge, which may turn their skin black, but they will be good to eat for a few more days. A little tip is peeling and chopping overripe bananas into chunks and freezing for later use in banana cakes or smoothies. By moving to the fridge too early this could stop them from ripening and stop the full flavour from being tasted.

We hope that those that were storing some of these products wrong before have seen the light and try keeping their ketchup in cupboards and eggs in the fridge as they’ll see better flavours from this and enjoy their food more as a result!